We realize that today's employer must provide employee benefits & services to sustain the quality personnel needed to run their businesses. Our knowledgeable associates can assist you in selecting the financial products that best serve
the sophisticated needs of you, your executives and dedicated employees.
Group Health Plans: The rising costs and declining availability in medical insurance
makes health insurance a top priority for both the business owner and their employees. Whether choosing a managed care plan, such as HMO, PPO, or Fee-for Service Plan it is important to understand the myriad of complexities in this ever changing line of coverage and the potential impact to your company.
Individual Health Plans:
Quality coverage for individuals and their families that do not have group insurance. Our specialists offer Co-pay plans,
high deductible plans; the new Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) HSA's help you take control of your health care expenses with a tax-favored savings account and quality medical coverage.
Life Insurance: Life Insurance can provide financial protection both individually as well as for your business. Employees may have families or others who are dependent on their income. Providing for costs associated to replace key personnel or provide for your company's continuity is a financial risk. Both of these need to be considered when deciding what life insurance benefits you should purchase.

Long Term Disability: Disability Insurance pays a monthly income to someone who is unable to work due to an injury or illness. Disability Insurance Polices are categorized as either Short Term or Long Term with the difference being the waiting time before benefits begin and the maximum benefit period. Understanding the variable features of these policies is important in making a knowledgeable decision.